Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sprouting seeds

Sprouts are a nutritious food and are so easy to get going at home. I have seen a few places that just use regular dishes and damp towels to sprout seeds. Several grocery stores sell seed packs to sprout, some sell containers that you can use that make the process a bit less hands-on. It is fun to do and a great thing to teach children. Best of all, you can do it year-round so in the northern climates, you can get fresh foods any time. It only takes about 7 days for most seeds to sprout.

The way I usually do this is to take a couple tablespoons of seeds and put them in about 1/2 cup of water with a tablespoon of EM•1®. I let the seeds soak for about 5 minutes and then I strain them. I put them on a damp towel and then fold over the towel and put it in a jar with the lid on.

Once a day I take out the seeds and put them in a strainer and rinse them with fresh water. I then spritz them with a solution of EM•1® and water (1:4). As the sprouts are ready to eat, I pull out the ones that are ready and keep the rinsing process going until all the sprouts are gone.

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